Kansas City Porsche Club Events

The Porsche Club of America Kansas City Region was chartered May 15, 1960 (rechartered March 28, 1966) as the 29th Region of the Club, less than five years after the inception of the national organization. The Porsche Club of America currently is comprised of 147 Regions.

The Kansas City Region has grown from the original small group of charter members to over 1.013 primary, affiliate and junior members. Our Region geographically covers the eastern part of Kansas nearly as far west as Manhattan and the northwestern portion of Missouri extending to Columbia and Butler. Our Region is bounded by the Wichita Region to the west, Cimarron and Ozark Lakes Regions to the south, St Louis Region to the East, and Great Plains and Schönesland Regions to the north. Kansas City Region charter members all drove Porsche 356s as the 911 was still four years away from production. Now, all production Porsche models are represented, as well as examples of vintage race cars that show up at events from time to time. 911s are well-represented as well as fine examples of 924/944/968s with the newer Boxsters, Cayennes and Caymans growing in number.

The Kansas City Region sponsors a number of events throughout the year that are appealing to the wide variety of activities our members enjoy. For those that want to shine up their car and show it, we have judged and non-judged Concours D’Elegance and shine and show events. We offer organized driving tours throughout the area for those who want to stretch their legs a bit. For the true track junkies and those who really want to learn to push their Porsche to the limit in a controlled environment, there are Drivers Education weekends and autocrosses. For the truly speed-committed, competitive PCA Club Races are held twice a year at Ozarks International Raceway at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. OIR is one of the top tier tracks in the country. Social activities range from member open houses, picnics, dinners and holiday parties, to the historically, most popular gathering, the Saturday morning breakfast. All our social and driving activities are offered with an open invitation to any PCA member to join us.

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