Zone 10

Zone 10 Respresentative


Zone 10 is one of 14 Zones that make up the Porsche Club of America. Prior to 1969, the club had grown to approximately 70 regions all of them relying on Porsche Club of America National for help. At that time, the Porsche Club of America’s headquarter staff consisted of two people working from the basement of a house in Alexandria, Virginia. On January 1, 1969, the country was split into 8 Zones with a Zone Coordinator. As the club grew, the mid-section of the country was divided and Zone 9 and Zone 10 were formed in 1974. Zone 12 was formed from Zone 3 in 1985 and in 2001 Zone 13 was formed from Zone 4.

Zone 10 has ten local regions that cover a very large geographical area with more than 5,000 members. Our boundaries extend from Missouri, Kansas, and Southern Illinois up through Manitoba, Canada. Below are the regions in Zone 10 with their charter dates and the previous Zone Representatives with their dates of service

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